2013 Exhibition Highlights—SMTCE 2013
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2013 Exhibition Highlights—SMTCE 2013

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Key words: stepper motor, brushless motor, air-conditioning fan motor, washing machine pump, dish washer pump, upper drain pump, DC brushless motor

November 13th ~15th , 2013, the18th China(International) Small MotorTechnology Seminarand Exhibition, hosted by ChinaElectronic Components IndustryAssociationMicro MotorComponents Seminar ,was hole as scheduled at Shanghai GuangdaExhibition Center. Thesame periodalso heldthe14thChina(International) magnetic materialstechnology exhibition. Three-day exhibition, 800exhibition booths, exhibitionarea of  17,000squaremeters, attracted professional visitors and all the exhibitors in this industry.

All kinds of products exhibited: Geared stepper motors, PM stepper motors,Hysteresis synchronous motors, PM synchronous motors, DC motors, BLDC motors, DC reduction motors, Hybrid,stepper motors, Drain actuators, Drain pumps,  Precision parts and solutions, etc.

The booth theme is about our 20thanninersary and the whole design is concentrated on the history and decelopment of leili motor. Achieved most direct contact withtarget customersthroughthismicro-motorindustrygathering, we grasped the latestinformation, and communicated withcustomer demand. Also we exchanged the brand image of Leili Motor. And we got betterunderstanding ofindustrytrendsto guide with the following decitions.

Post time: Nov-15-2018

Address: No. 19 Qianjiatang Road, Wujin District,Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province
Telephone exchange: 0519-88770606
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