TRV Thermostatic Valve Introduction
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TRV Thermostatic Valve Introduction

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-08-23      Origin: Site

Classification of heating/floor heating thermostatic valves

Common heating/floor heating valves on the market are divided into two categories:

• Manual valves and automatic valves.

• Automatic valves are divided into temperature-pack type and electronic type.

Manual valve

Adjust the size by rotating. Counterclockwise for opening, clockwise for closing. Manual valve is the most common control method for radiators on the market.

Temperature-pack type thermostatic valve

• The thermostatic valve can overcome some inherent limitations of the traditional vertical riser system. Its internal thermistor automatically adjusts the radiator flow according to the ambient temperature, thereby ensuring the thermal balance of each room. The temperature pack is the core component of the regulating valve. It generates volume changes by sensing changes in the indoor ambient temperature, driving the regulating valve core to move, thereby changing the valve opening, and then adjusting the water inlet to change the heat dissipation of the radiator, so as to achieve the purpose of adjusting the room temperature.

Electronic thermostatic valve


It mainly consists of three parts: temperature control panel, electronic thermostatic valve (electric heating actuator/intelligent temperature control valve), and water diversion valve. It needs to rely on the gateway to realize the Internet of Things. Through the Internet of Things, the temperature can be adjusted in real time or set in time periods. The function of the electronic thermostatic valve is to open or close the manifold temperature control valve under the signal control of the thermostat, and control the room temperature actuator.


The floor heating system of general residential and public buildings uses a power between 10W and 50W.

Motor requirements

The electric actuator is the core part of the electronic thermostatic valve. Generally, a stepper motor or servo motor is used as the driving component. The electrical signal is converted into linear motion through gears, connecting rods and other mechanisms to control the opening and closing of the valve.

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